Going Google at Appledore

Read our latest case study and discover how Appledore Primary selected Computeam as the DfE approved provider to help them transform remote teaching and learning into the cloud using the powerful ( and free ) Google for Education.

Appledore Primary School is located in the heart of an ancient fishing village in North Devon. It lies in a very creative and artistic community, which is reflected in the curriculum which has creative arts embedded throughout. The creative hub of the school is a dedicated art studio and the main corridor, which is used as an art gallery.

In April 2020, the Department for Education, in consultation with accredited partners, launched a nationwide initiative to fund and support schools and trusts to start using a free-to-use digital education platform. Through discussions and demonstrations from their incumbent ICT Support company, the school chose to move forward with Google’s G Suite for Education as their preferred digital platform. Read more here

Posted on October 19th 2020

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