What Is Smart Support?

What is Smart Support?

Smart Support is a faster, more efficient IT support service that is driven by cutting edge technology.

In the past, many schools logged IT issues internally using a log-book or document stored somewhere on the network.  This became the technicians “to do” list when attending scheduled visits, which meant potentially long waiting times for problems to be fixed. 

Smart Support works by not relying on the next scheduled visit to address these issues – proactive monitoring of your school's networks automatically logs issues before they even become a problem. In many cases, this allows Computeam to fix any issues before you even know there may be a problem to fix!

Where problems have not been detected, Smart support provides you with a ticket logging app on your desktop with a direct connection through to our service desk to log a ticket. Our skilled service team can efficiently and quickly work with you to fix the issue whilst still allowing you to work uninterrupted. 

This then allows your visiting technician more time to do proactive tasks and improve the performance of your network on scheduled visits, as issues are detected, managed and dealt with remotely.

Smart Support includes:

1.     A cutting-edge Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) system.

2.     Unlimited reactive support from our office-based service team – remote and onsite where required.  This service is available to you all year round – even during the school holidays.

3.     An optional regular proactive maintenance visit of up to 2 hours during term time. Scheduled visits are for proactive maintenance tasks (and not for new installations and system upgrades).

Want to know more? Contact us for a FULL guide on Smart Support and how it can help your school. 

Posted on September 17th 2018

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