Working-Teaching-Learning From Home - CompuNews: Part Seven

What are Computeam doing now?

In our latest company update we provide not only a statement of our current service offerings but we go further in suggesting and highlighting practical steps Computeam are offering our education clients to ensure that even in these unprecedented times our education clients are able to work and teach from anywhere.

Computeam have now ensured that the majority of our clients have some form of remote access in place, but we can offer more comprehensive support and services to enhance the provision of distance learning. The duty a school feels to support their learners shouldn’t be a burden, but a chance to explore new and progressive ways to use technology that is  available now, for both teachers and learners.  

Distance learning platforms from Microsoft and Google break down the barriers of teachers and pupils being in different places and even operating at different times using free tools. Teachers can interact with learners in online classrooms, set and mark work, provide feedback and vital social contact (particularly important for younger learners) and even support parents and guardians with the often-daunting task of providing structured home learning for their children. 

You can read our updated statement here:

Posted on March 25th 2020

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